Friday, January 28, 2011

“Why not?” How the biggest Epiphanies can happen with only two words.

Today an awesome friend of mine asked me about our plans for the weekend.  I told her that it was nice to have nothing on the calendar for a change so that I can get to do all the housework and chores I kind of save up for the weekend. Then I recalled how this morning my sweetie off handedly mentioned that he wanted to go hiking.  Now this isn’t on my top ten to do list.  “Why not?” she asked.
I responded with, “Well, you know, we’d have to pack up so much stuff for a hike, it takes planning and preparation!  Then we’d have to drive over there and well…. what if it’s too cold? What if it’s too hot…”

(sounding of screeching brakes) OMG… do I really sound like that? I stopped myself right in that moment and thought.  What is wrong with me?  Why would we not do the one thing my sweetie has been asking for? He deserves a break!  And shouldn’t making him happy BE on my top ten?  So we wrapped up our call so I could plan for a little short morning getaway. This reminded me of a challenge and I wanted to share it with you.

Courtney’s challenge is to be a little more creative with your praise.  She provides ten ways that you can praise your husband.  A few examples are: a love message on the mirror, packed in his lunch, or written with sidewalk chalk in the driveway.  My favorite was her number 10: Get creative with your selflessness! That’s the one that hit the nail in the head.  It’s amazing when you get pumped up on doing something special for your sweetie, it changes your view on things.  Courtney also placed this quote on her blog:

"When you touch your husband's deepest need something good almost always happens!"~ Dr. Emerson Eggerich

So I am taking up this challenge and I am going to do something that my sweetie would never dream of.  I am actually going to prep us up for a hiking getaway this weekend!  Will you do something for your sweetie before Valentine's Day?  I'd love to hear from you!


  1. How sweet! I would be hesitant, too. I'm not outdoorsy like my hubby, but I know my husband would eat it up if I did something like this with him. Great job! :)
