Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pillow Talk First, Fun Pillow Fight Afterwards

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Image courtesy of Photostock /"

I saw Pillow Talk Questions for You and Your child on Pinterest the other night and I just had to go and try out these questions with our boys.  It was a humbling experience to hear some of their answers.  Here are just a few that will forever be engraved in my mind…
  • What do you like to dream about?
Lil Dude: I like dreaming about becoming a super hero and helping people
  • Who is your hero? Why?
Lil G: My hero is my dad. He is wise and I like how he works helping kids.
  • How would you describe your family?
Both: Crazy! Fun! and… sometimes Angry.  (Ouch. It was super hard for me to swallow that one.)
  • If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
Lil G: Being timid and shy. I don’t like people thinking that I don’t want to be their friend...
  • What are you most proud of yourself for?
Lil G: Trying new things like joining a Performing Arts class because I am really shy.
  • Who is the kindest person you know? Why?
Lil Dude: My mom. She snuggles and watches tv shows with me even when I know she has a lot of things to do. (I melted right then and there)

Afterwards, you can engage in a nice little Pillow Fight Smile
One thing for sure is that your kiddos will be honest.  Brutally honest.  I’ll admit that my sweetie and I have some work to do on the “Anger Management” department.  But it felt really cool to hear their thoughts.    These questions were so awesome and we did half of them the first night and the ten on the second night.  By the third night they wanted more and I had to search for more ideas!  So I encourage you to try this out with your kiddos.  They are great conversation starters and you never know what they might say!

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