- I am a Christ follower. I love my Lord and I delight in Him and His Word.
- I'm a homeschooling mama of two boys.
- I have a little one in heaven that I can't wait to meet.
- I also work from home seasonally for the Arizona Teaching Fellows as an ambassador for Recruitment.
- I met my sweetie in college and we have been married for almost 11 years.
- I have a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education.
- I am half Puerto Rican and half Vietnamese.
- I am a Math Geek and will return to school one day just so that I can pursue a Masters in Secondary Education - Math (the degree I was originally was working on and almost completed but switched when I decided to homeschool my preschooler and become a stay at home mom vs. teaching).
- My husband is a school principal and is almost done with his doctorates in Education.
- I LOVE a hot Carmel Macchiato from Starbucks :-)
I'll keep adding more when I think of them :o)