Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I know, I know I've taken a hiatus from blogging for awhile.  I had a huge work project in the last year and now well, I'm on a hiatus from work :)

I'm taking the time reconnecting with my roots of being what I love most and that's being mom, wife, homemaker, and planning for our new homeschooling year.

I'm not necessarily sure when work will pick up again, but in the meantime I'm loving this break.  It's taking every ounce of me to not try to fill up my plate again with other things during this work break and focusing on the beautiful things in life.

This year, we had an AMAZING summer.  And that is a lot to say.  I will admit that for the past 7 years or so, the thought of summer always made me want to throw up in my mouth. Being a wife of a school teacher and surviving on one income meant we stretched every dime, nickel, penny to make it through the summer.  My sweetie always opted for the lump some paycheck at the end of the school year and we would be super diligent in making it last.  This is where I learned to be the most super frugal woman shopper and budget stretcher crazy madwoman.

One summer, my sweetie was working on his residency status on his doctorates degree and I ended up working the summer at Starbucks.  I looked at it as a temporary research assignment as I had developed a passion for coffee that year.  Amazingly, it almost turned out to be a career when his position as a teacher and his new position as a school administrator was in limbo.  Ugh!  Just remembering that makes me want to hurl again.

About 4 summers ago is when I miscarried. The summer before that, my grandfather passed away.  Oh and the summer before that, my father passed away.  So you get the idea.  I never liked our summers.

But, this past summer was awesome.  We had a Washington DC vacation and ended up staying also in Utah and Nevada.

Lil Dude in front of White House
Lil G in front of Washington Monument
That's what I LOVE about homeschooling ya know?  We studied American History all year and got to actually see it in action.   Hearing my boys making connections with what we learned and talked about to what they were seeing in person was such a blessing!

I'm hoping to keep up with the blogging again.  For now, reflecting on the past summer has got me all smiles today and I just wanted to share.
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