Every Wednesday morning we hop on a conference call with my girlfriends and we talk about our struggles, our ups and downs, our goals to become better wives, moms, and servant of God.
It is very uplifting to have the opportunity to be real and say what’s on our mind without feeling judged or worried what they might think of me because of my imperfections. Together we learn that there really isn’t a woman who has a perfect looking clean house with no dishes in the sink, laundry completely clean and even more
folded neatly and put away. Why do we even think that this is the case? It’s because we don’t dare allow even our closest friends to see that we have spent
two weeks the night before madly cleaning when we find out that we are going to have visitors. So that when they come over, they see that somehow we have this perfect image of a clean house. All of my closest friends know that there is a non verbal policy of at least a 24 hours notice before “dropping by.” Reason? It's so I can make my house look like it hasn’t been lived in before they come by. Isn’t that so sad?
Matthew 6:20 says, “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal.” My morning Bible study included that there’s only one thing certain about life. We know that tomorrow isn’t promised and that’s why it’s so crucial to spend our time investing in what really matters today. I need to constantly remember what is eternal and what is temporary. Yes, the dishes need to be washed, kitchen must be mopped, and laundry needs to be tackled but our family and friends is much more important than having a perfect house. I need to remember to invest in our time together and do the things that the boys really want to do. It’s been so nice outside. I can take them to the park and just
play with them. The stars don’t have to be aligned and the planets in perfect order… I just need to do it.
I am so amazed on how simple the solutions to many of our problems can be. I just need to
play more and have
fun more. How easy is it to forget with all the responsibilities and stresses in our life that it boils down to the very thing we used to do as little ones. I am so grateful to have such wonderful friends who can help remind me on how to stay in balance and enjoy the blessings I have right now. Not the things that shouldn’t even really matter anyway
