Saturday, January 22, 2011

This week in review

Not sure if you would call this week the most productive but I didn’t have high expectations anyway being that it would have been a 2-day school week.  We had MLK day off (hard to do “school” when daddy’s home) and had a field trip planned for Thursday and with no school on Friday’s it was definitely going to be an off week.  I am grateful for the fact that nowadays, the kind of off weeks don’t stress me out so much.  It is all about a balance anyway and on most days we hit school so hard we start as early as 9am and work non-stop (eat lunch at our desks) until about 3pm.  The boys and I wrote goals at the beginning of the year and I tailored our learning to make sure to meet those goals. More on that later Smile
Our field trip on Thursday to see this guy at National Geographic Live was pretty awesome.  Lil G is pretty adamant about being a mechanical engineer and was soaking everything the guy was talking about.  He talked about how he grew up playing with Legos, and loved to learn math and science.  This love landed him the opportunity to be part of the team that constructed the Mars rovers Opportunity and Spirit.  He is currently working on Curiosity in which this rover will be launching later this year to Mars.  I sat there visualizing Lil G as the person speaking in front of hundreds of children about “dreaming big.”  To be honest, all I could ever dream of for our children is that they would hold a career that they LOVE and are truly passionate about.  But NEVER, EVER, forgetting about giving back.  This life is more than just thinking about ourselves and worrying about us.  There are children who go every night hungry.  There are children who barely have any security or love in their home. These are the children we need to advocate for and pour into and speak up for.  I forever want our boys to see that their parents lives were dedicated to that. We model that so I pray they would do the same.
At the end of the presentation our boys got the unique opportunity to take a picture with the presenter.  Pretty cool huh?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so jealous that you got to go! I don't know how much my kids would have gotten out of it, but I sure wanted to go! Other opportunities, I'm sure.

    Sounds like a very fun week. :)
