For my birthday this summer, I wanted a tattoo. I know, I know it sounds crazy but it was something I had in mind for quite a while. So... This year I did some research.. A LOT of research and mostly had to do with things like safety, referrals, placement... You name it, I researched it. I also asked a lot of questions from people who had tattoos. Things like, regrets, what they would do differently, etc. I loved learning about why people got their permanent inks, and what they would do differently.
You see, I knew I wanted something extremely signifcant and special. I wanted something to represent my adorable husband of eleven years. But how can I choose what to wear to the grave when I can't even choose what outfit to wear each day? I knew it would have to be something that I absolutely loved.
I thought a lot about what I loved. I love my family and I adore my hubby. Also, I love birds. My love for birds originates from the scripture found in Matthew 6:26 that deals with worry. "Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?"
In AZ we have many beautiful birds, and love to see them soaring. I get so excited and point them out to my boys every time. I was memorized when I saw the rare bald eagle while fishing this summer. When there is a bird around, I love to stop and think about how God made each one. I am so facinated with the freedom of birds. It makes me think how effortlessly they fly and soar through our vast skies. My theory is that it is so easy fo fly when you have no worries :-).
One bird that has captivated me is the Quetzal. It is a beautiful bird found in Guatemala (where my hubby is from). The quetzal has gorgeous, striking colors and a long, long tail. I have never seen anything like it. The quetzal in particular has been used as a symbol of liberty. This is because it has been said that it would kill itself when in captivity or caged. I relate this to my freedom in Christ. Held in bondage or captivity is like suicide. You see where I am going here?
So, I decided what I wanted was a quetzal. A quetzal with my sweetie's name on it. I went into a recommended tatto place and chatted briefly with the artist. She smiled and said she knew exactly what bird I was talking about.
We made an appointment to go over the artwork. I had in my hands a whole bunch of images I googled. I wanted it to look dainty and feminine. I thought I would have to walk in and walk her through what I liked and didn't liked. I went into her office and found her in the midst of sketching some ideas. I was so amazed! I didn't even have to make a single change. She knew exactly what I was looking for and her sketch was perfect!
I came in the next day for my appointment nervous and excited. I knew it would hurt, but how bad? She estimated it would take 3 hours. I laid on the table, and braced myself. When I heard the sound of the machine, I cringed. I hate needles and here I am getting a tattoo? Man I am nuts! Once she began, I thought, hmmm not so bad. But now there was no going back. I was going to sit here for the next three hours. That's longer than a movie, oh my gosh. 2 1/2 hours later, I didn't think I could take it anymore. It hurt so dang bad! That is when she said, "Ok, you are all done now." What? Seriously? Thank God! She gave me a mirror and I took a look. I remember watching the reaction of people who got their tattoos on the LA Ink show. I would watch it as part of my "research." They always freaked out and would even hug their tattoo artist they just met. I always thought it was cheesy. But when I saw mine, I reacted no different. I squealed with delight and hugged her. I guess I am cheesy too:-)
My sweetie snapped a picture of the "fresh tattoo." I love it!

You see, I knew I wanted something extremely signifcant and special. I wanted something to represent my adorable husband of eleven years. But how can I choose what to wear to the grave when I can't even choose what outfit to wear each day? I knew it would have to be something that I absolutely loved.
I thought a lot about what I loved. I love my family and I adore my hubby. Also, I love birds. My love for birds originates from the scripture found in Matthew 6:26 that deals with worry. "Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?"
In AZ we have many beautiful birds, and love to see them soaring. I get so excited and point them out to my boys every time. I was memorized when I saw the rare bald eagle while fishing this summer. When there is a bird around, I love to stop and think about how God made each one. I am so facinated with the freedom of birds. It makes me think how effortlessly they fly and soar through our vast skies. My theory is that it is so easy fo fly when you have no worries :-).
One bird that has captivated me is the Quetzal. It is a beautiful bird found in Guatemala (where my hubby is from). The quetzal has gorgeous, striking colors and a long, long tail. I have never seen anything like it. The quetzal in particular has been used as a symbol of liberty. This is because it has been said that it would kill itself when in captivity or caged. I relate this to my freedom in Christ. Held in bondage or captivity is like suicide. You see where I am going here?
So, I decided what I wanted was a quetzal. A quetzal with my sweetie's name on it. I went into a recommended tatto place and chatted briefly with the artist. She smiled and said she knew exactly what bird I was talking about.
We made an appointment to go over the artwork. I had in my hands a whole bunch of images I googled. I wanted it to look dainty and feminine. I thought I would have to walk in and walk her through what I liked and didn't liked. I went into her office and found her in the midst of sketching some ideas. I was so amazed! I didn't even have to make a single change. She knew exactly what I was looking for and her sketch was perfect!
I came in the next day for my appointment nervous and excited. I knew it would hurt, but how bad? She estimated it would take 3 hours. I laid on the table, and braced myself. When I heard the sound of the machine, I cringed. I hate needles and here I am getting a tattoo? Man I am nuts! Once she began, I thought, hmmm not so bad. But now there was no going back. I was going to sit here for the next three hours. That's longer than a movie, oh my gosh. 2 1/2 hours later, I didn't think I could take it anymore. It hurt so dang bad! That is when she said, "Ok, you are all done now." What? Seriously? Thank God! She gave me a mirror and I took a look. I remember watching the reaction of people who got their tattoos on the LA Ink show. I would watch it as part of my "research." They always freaked out and would even hug their tattoo artist they just met. I always thought it was cheesy. But when I saw mine, I reacted no different. I squealed with delight and hugged her. I guess I am cheesy too:-)
My sweetie snapped a picture of the "fresh tattoo." I love it!
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