I am feeling so great! What a mighty God we serve! A whole new year huh? I know that it has been a while since my last post.. but I am pretty psyched now to continue documenting my thoughts, dreams, wishes, etc.
So today is the second day I actually completed a 30 minute excercise. WHAT?! I actually said excercise! Now most of my fam knows that's a dirty, bad word in my language. It's pretty much something I have never done. I make no commitments here and frankly I don't even know that it is even excersice (See? i am even having trouble spelling the darn word!). I do few things on the wii fit then turn to cox and demand and try one of their 20 minute workouts. Preferably something of a dance routine so I can concentrate on only achieving the moves than even think of the dirty word.
Anyhow, here is what I have noticed... I am feeling more energetic, MORE hungry (what's up with that?) and I down a whole bottle of water before it's even 8am (it used to take me a whole day to even complete one bottle). So I guess that's good. Just taking it day by day. The good thing is that it's done and off my mind now and I can go on to bigger and better things.... Like starting my new year of homeschooling. Off to teach now..
Best wishes,
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