Monday, July 27, 2009

Menu Planning Monday

It's time to get on track again! I've done a major grocery shopping spree and it's time to get things done right. I have some very exciting news. ANYONE who knows me knows I have a battle with laundry... it never seems to go away! Well... I have an annoucement... drum roll please.....

I HAVE OFFICIALLY FINISHED LAUNDRY! No, it doesn't mean that I have washed everything and that it is in a nice pile on the top bunk bed where it ends up messy in a few days... IT MEANS I HAVE WASHED EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHING AND IT IS ALL PUT AWAY! sorry about the all caps but i really am screaming here. This is victory! Wanna do the dance with me?

So now there is no excuses... it's gotta be done once a day. Ok, maybe every other day. But I want to keep it up. So here is the deal. I will post once a week where I am on the whole laundry deal cuz I don't ever, ever, ever want to be at that place again where the laundry creeps up on me and it's a whole big mess again. I LOVE challenges so let's see how it goes.

So here's my menu plan:

Monday - Arroz con Pollo (thanks mom for the recipe!)
Tuesday - Apple Cider Vinegar Chicken (yum!) with creamy mashed potatoes
Wednesday - Picadillo (Latin seasoned ground beef with chopped veggies) w/ rice
Thursday - Vietnamese Pork Chops
Friday - couscous with shrimp kebobs

Wish me luck!


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