Friday, March 4, 2011

Homeschool Week in Review

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...

I’m making progress in my personal Bible study and SOAP time.  I get really hard on myself when I get angry easily.  I know that it’s more about making progress and not perfection.  I’m not perfect but I can work every day to get better and better!

In our homeschool this week...

Lil Dude didn’t have to do school because he wasn’t feeling well. 

Lil G decided that he wanted to start school earlier (9am) so that he could finish earlier (about 2pm) and have more playing time.  I am proud of his initiative though it means that my mommy time is either cut shorter or I’d have to wake up earlier.  That’s ok though, I am super proud of his perseverance!

We also celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday by reading every book we own written by him. 

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We went on our Cub Scout geocaching field trip today! I love taking the boys on field trips to experience the beautiful wonders that our Lord created just for us to enjoy!

My favorite thing this week was...

Though my little one was sick this week, my favorite part was cuddling with him! I also thanked God that I wouldn’t have to worry about “calling in sick” from work to care for my little one, or wondering if I should send my child to school.  I know many moms have to face that turmoil and it breaks my heart because I understand it is very hard. I thanked God for that privilege and choice that we have and prayed for mommies who have to go through that.

What's working/not working for us...

The Handwriting without Tears curriculum is really working wonders! Lil G’s handwriting is like night and day. We are currently working on our second book now and it is a bit more difficult but that’s ok.  Trying to break old habits is very hard and I try to remind him that you don’t form new habits over night.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

How does a mom manage their day with homeschooling, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, etc.? I feel that I am always behind!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

 Lil Dude working on HWT

Lil Dude working on HWT Smile

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal link up is hosted by The Homeschool Chick. You can click the link to see how you can participate or to read other link ups.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Found you on the AZ Bloggy Moms site and am now following and looking forward to it! What a sweet family you have. I think it's awesome that you homeschool and you get so creative with it! Your boys are lucky. :D
